Entrepreneurship in the Global Economy (EGE) goes beyond what most pre-college entrepreneurship programs teach. Participants not only learn practical skills, like writing a business plan or how to pitch an idea, but also about the economic principles that make successful entrepreneurship possible. To build a business, an entrepreneur must understand incentives and the role institutions, like government, play in setting the “rules of the game”.
EGE offers 30-40 high school students from around the world the chance to spend a week learning about entrepreneurship:
- Professors will introduce how economics principles apply to entrepreneurship
- Corporate guest speakers will share their insights and real-world experiences
- Classroom instruction will be supplemented by practical activities and simulations

Why EGE?
The EGE program is designed to help students:
- Understand the risks and rewards associated with entrepreneurship
- Understand market forecasting and supply/demand
- Enhance team-building skills
- Learn to apply the economic way of thinking to business decisions
- Have fun while creating a network of peers from around the world