
Amanda Stiglbauer

Amanda Stiglbauer is an AP Economics and AP Human Geography teacher in Lexington, South Carolina, and the Council on Economic Education’s 2019 John Morton Excellence in Teaching Economics Award Winner. As an FTE mentor teacher, Amanda teaches in the Economics for Leaders program, Economic Forces in American History program, and often conducts webinars and one-day seminars. Amanda is a fierce advocate for economic education at both the state and national levels. She serves as an AP Microeconomics Reader and Question Leader and a Master Teacher for the Council on Economic Education. Amanda has authored lessons on EconEdLink, including Understanding Fiscal Responsibility and AP Economics: 5th Edition,  and recently published the teacher’s guide for AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics 5 Steps to a 5 review book. Amanda is married to her best friend and fellow economics educator, Kurt. They have two adult children and eleven-year-old twins, who keep them busy cheering for and Ubering them to dance competitions and softball games.

Debbie Henney, FTE Director of Curriculum Receives Bessie B Moore Service Award

  Foundation for Teaching Economics is proud to announce that Debbie Henney, director of curriculum for the Foundation for Teaching…

FTE Pays Tribute to Jerry Hume

It is with deep sadness that we announce the loss of William J. Hume, known as Jerry Hume, former Chairman…

Why We Should Be Teaching Students Economic Literacy

Ted Tucker, Executive Director, Foundation for Teaching Economics October 26, 2022 More high schools are offering courses on personal finance…