

Testimonials Featured Image

For the first time in my life, I feel confident teaching economics & economic issues to my students.
–Shannon Gerlach

The content is thought-provoking & incorporates a fairly comprehensive approach to basic economic concepts in real world situation scenarios.
–Sharon Sims

I know that my students will understand economics better by using the material I received.
–Margaret Hale

These materials walk into my classroom the next day. They are so complete and tested; they teach directly to key objectives in dramatically clear & exciting way.
–Dena Hughes

I am a new teacher & haven’t yet taught economics and I’ve always been wary of the subject. This seminar provided tons of materials on interesting & highly relevant topics, that I could definitely incorporate into all my classes. I look forward to the next one.
–Heather Desmond

This program has helped me to see how I can present economic topics using social studies issues. I will now use the disasters format to teach PPF – the Soviet Union History to teach Command Economy etc. …
–Kerrie Galagan

I have taken FTE programs before. This was the best yet.
–Scott Heinecke

The combination of the issues (4) facilitated a great depth of understanding.
–Mark Bradley

Wonderful that the programs are available for those of us who teach upper elementary – has strongly affected my teaching in a positive way! Thank you so much!
–Lynne Cartter

This seminar offered great materials for teachers. Especially for someone who has been doing this for a while, it gives me ideas to teach concepts in new & relevant ways.
–Jeff Hoseley

Outstanding program with rigorous curriculum & amazing topics. Inspires you to go back to the classroom & do it better.
–Pamela Miller

Debbie Henney, FTE Director of Curriculum Receives Bessie B Moore Service Award

  Foundation for Teaching Economics is proud to announce that Debbie Henney, director of curriculum for the Foundation for Teaching…

FTE Pays Tribute to Jerry Hume

It is with deep sadness that we announce the loss of William J. Hume, known as Jerry Hume, former Chairman…

Why We Should Be Teaching Students Economic Literacy

Ted Tucker, Executive Director, Foundation for Teaching Economics October 26, 2022 More high schools are offering courses on personal finance…