Frequently Asked Questions

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Where are the 2023 Economics for Teachers (EFT) (formerly Economics for Leaders-EFL) programs being held?
2023 EFT programs will be held at various colleges and universities around the country – please visit our Sites and Dates page for more information on program locations.
A program that I wish to attend is closed to further enrollment. Does the FTE maintain a wait list for closed programs?
Wait lists are kept for some, but not all site locations. Please reach out to Haley Sisler at to find out if your program of interest is maintaining a wait list prior to submitting your registration.
What is the cost of the EFT program?
The EFT registration fee is $200. Included in this fee is a single-occupancy room and board for the week and program materials. Transportation to and from the program site, including all expenses associated with travel, are the responsibility of the participant.
Please note that you must submit your registration payment before you are considered officially enrolled; completing the online registration form without payment does not guarantee your spot.
How do I pay my program fee?
Accepted applicants can pay online with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express). Payment directions can be found by logging in to your Self Service Center account.
Please note that you must submit your registration payment before you are considered officially enrolled; completing the online registration form without payment does not guarantee your spot.
Where do participants stay while at EFT?
Participants stay in dormitories on the campus of their program site in a single occupancy room with COVID-19 protocols in place. Dorm rooms are most often a traditional set up, with a communal bathroom down the hall. If the site you have chosen has a different set up (i.e. suite style), you will be notified in the orientation information that will be provided about four weeks before the start of the program.
Because of campus restrictions, we cannot allow non-participant guests, such as spouses or friends, to stay in the dorms with program participants.
What is included in the dorm rooms?
Dorm rooms include a bed, closet, desk and chair. Linens are provided for the week and include a set of sheets, blanket, pillow and pillowcase, as well as a bath towel and hand towel. We encourage participants to bring a sweatshirt or sweater, as air-conditioned dorms can become cool at night (and sometimes individual rooms do not have their own thermostat). You’re also welcome to bring extra towels or blankets if you wish.
Additional items such as fans and refrigerators are not included in the dorm rooms. If you have a medical reason for such an item, please contact Haley Sisler at to inform her of the situation as early as possible and see what accommodations might be made.
What is the program schedule for the week?
The EFT program runs Monday-Saturday of each week offered. Check in is from 2 – 4 pm on Monday afternoon, with check out on Saturday afternoon at 5 pm.
For those participants whose schedule will not allow them to travel home on Saturday evening, FTE provides an option for participants to stay over on Saturday night and check out Sunday morning by 11 am. This option is available for an additional $50 charge and must be selected on the registration form.
Program sessions are strictly for registered participants only; family/friends may not join participants during the day.
When do I need to arrive at the program site?
EFT check-in and program registration is held on Monday afternoon from 2 – 4 pm. All participants, including commuters, need to check in during that time.
I’ll need to arrive a little late, leave early and/or miss a couple of sessions during the week. Is this OK, and can I still get the university credit?
No. Everyone who participates in FTE programs is expected to be present for the entire program. Participants must be in attendance at all sessions to be eligible for university credit. Please plan your travel and your schedule accordingly.
If you leave early or do not attend all scheduled sessions, you will be ineligible to receive the optional graduate credit, stipends if applicable, and fail to receive your course completion certificate.
How do I register for graduate credit for my EFL program?
Information on graduate credits through the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs will be provided with orientation information approximately four weeks prior to each program. You can also click here to learn more about registering for credit.
How are stipends awarded?
There are two types of stipends available for teacher programs – participation and commuter stipends. Not all programs will offer stipends and details will be provided within the application form and orientation materials.
To earn an available participation stipend, teachers must attend and actively participate in all sessions. There is no need to apply for the participation stipend.
Commuter stipends are available for local participants who commute to campus each day of the program (not staying in dormitories). To earn an available commuter stipend, participants must attend and actively participate in all sessions. There is no need to apply for the commuter stipend.
Participants who previously participated in Economics for Leaders (EFL), do not qualify for stipends at EFT.
All stipends for the summer programs will be processed at the end of the summer (after programs are completed), and mailed by mid-September.
What is the cancellation policy?
The Foundation for Teaching Economics (FTE) is closely monitoring the ongoing presence of COVID-19. FTE is in close contact with our campus and hotel partners. Should a campus or hotel closure require the cancellation of a program, full refunds of the program fee will be given. For participants who voluntarily withdraw, refunds will be made according to the refund policy and schedule below.
The registration fee will be refunded 50% for cancellations made prior to May 19, 2023. After May 19, no refunds will be issued.

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